All of our workshops and motivational speaking keynote topics are based on a very simple ideal; that at the core we were all MADE TO WIN. It takes work and understanding to get into a mindset where you recognize that you as an individual, company, group, or union are in fact MADE TO WIN. It is when we come to accept, understand, and believe this complicated simple truth, that Purposeful and Directed Action are able to take place.

Below I have listed a few topics that I have been asked to speak on in recent history. The core of many of my motivational speaking engagements are based on the idea of approaching universal topics that cover a large demographic. I also use Q&A for a large part of the engagement to drill down and help individuals walk away with an understanding that affects their individual situations directly.
Keynote Topics Include:
Understand You Were MADE TO WIN
MADE TO WIN in Business
MADE TO WIN in Relationships
Stressed About Everything & Nothing at the Same Time
Help Me Help You
Through the Dark
Teamwork is a Team Sport
I'm Blind...Not Blind
With a strong focus on empowering the youth for individual and cooperative success, we have designed and continue to create workshops that help students learn the importance of Trust, Dependability, Responsibility, Faithfulness and Respect. Through these shared experiences, they will learn to communicate as well as work cooperatively to build a more positive self-image in a fun and creative manner.

We have workshops that are designed to help couples build stronger bonds within their relationship, while at the same time learning to rediscover each other in a fun and uplifting interactive way. This workshop is guaranteed to spark conversation and imagination, while promoting a deeper understanding of self, and that of your partner.
This workshop is focused on helping people to get a better view of who they are and where they really want to be in life. The goal here is to help participants look at life through a creative and inspired lens, by motivating conversation, and utilizing creative tools.

These creative and teamwork based workshops are designed to assist private and public events that are usually thrown by companies to help boost morale and communication between departments, co-workers, and community, while at the same time having a good time.